Our Fair States: Florida

photoI am so excited to announce that you will soon be able to find pieces from the Our Fair States series in Florida. I'm creating a small collection of Floridas to sell at the Lure Design SHOP. They will be available Feb 1 at the shop along with mind-blowingly great posters, funny cards and other paper goods created by the amazing designers at Lure.942474_10151739424529326_914769050_nShop hours are M-F 8:30-5:30 - 1009 Virginia Drive, 32803.

Autumn news

P1010011Welcome to the world, Baby Harris! I don't know you but I made you a sign. Best wishes on your path through this world. 

Upcoming events:

TOMORROW! Posted at Townhouse in East Liberty. I created a series of three prints that feature my illustrations of jars with various keepsakes in them. Stop by the opening party from 6-9PM.

Craftin' Outlaws  - Saturday, November 16 in Columbus, Ohio. I LOVE this show and am so glad to be a part of it again this year.

Handmade Arcade - Saturday, December 7 in Pittsburgh. This show is packed with talent and I'm thankful to be included.



ImageImageI recently finished up a project for Butterjoint in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh. I worked on the logo and illustrations for the bar signage, menus, etc. The sign out front will stand as is but the main logo is a bit different and includes more of the hand-carved elements that were not able to translate in the laser cut steel sign. The illustrations that are currently used on the menu are all inspired by elements of the bar and the menu - from bar tools to wine barrels to vegetables.ImageImageImageI had the pleasure of working with Joy Robison on the project - she is pretty much amazing at runnin' things.So, long story short: GO TO BUTTERJOINT. Delicious food, cozy atmosphere, amazing drinks and on and on. Maybe I'll see you there.

Making by hand and loving it

Handmade Arcade 2013 is only two days away and my mind is reeling with ideas and things I wish I had more time to keep making. I've got to stop and actually start packing up things and get to that Peppermint Bark I'll be giving away in my booth. Make your plans to visit the show - it's at the Convention Center from 11-7 on Saturday, December 8. And it's FREE so you can spend your money on handmade goods.Here's a sneak peek at some of my new pieces that I'll have. Also look for chalk boards and gift tags, a brand new print perfect for parents with picky eaters, bags and more.Happy Holidays!DSC_0037DSC_0040DSC_0041DSC_0039DSC_0032 WORKER BIRD

Worker Bird

Alright ladies and gents, I've got it. I decided to name the new project "Worker Bird" (as in, busy as a bird). I'm not entirely sure how I plan to reconcile this space with the new space but I think it'll all fall into place as I go. I think this blog will be used for general posts about the chickens, illustration projects, client work, life, etc. I think Worker Bird will be solely about the products I design and make under that name. We'll see. Maybe in the end I'll fold it all together under one umbrella.Thanks to everyone for your ideas and suggestions. I need to get to work - Worker Bird will make its debut at Handmade Arcade on December 8.Lastly, please visit Sweet Six to read a little interview that my friend Jenny did with me. And order some tasty hand-crafted candy while you're at it.